Types of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

Cervical Disc Replacement

Minimally Invasive Cervical Disc Replacement

This minimally invasive procedure is done through a small incision leaving the muscles, arteries, and nerves around the spine intact. During the procedure, the offending disc(s) are removed and replaced with an artificial disc. The artificial disc will bind to the vertebrae above and below over time while allowing range of motion that a fusion would prohibit.

After Surgery

  • EatingStart by eating soft foods that are easyCervical Disc Replacement to swallow and drink plenty of liquids, then slowly add other foods into your diet as tolerated.
  • Return to Work If you have a sedentary job, you may return to work around 2-4 weeks after surgery. If your job is physically demanding, you may return to work around 2-3 months after surgery. Dr. Kim recommends returning on a part-time basis with limited duties before returning full time without restrictions.
  • Showering/Bathing –      You may shower with the dressing for 3 days, after which you may continue to shower with the incision uncovered.It is important that you do not submerge the incision site in water for at least 6 weeks.
  • Physical Therapy Typically starts 3-4 weeks after surgery. The ultimate goal is to make the muscles that surround the spine, act like the world’s greatest neck brace.
  • Activities Around 1-2 months after surgery, you may begin slowly reintroducing your favorite sports and activities.

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